
The Bible Contains (illustration)

The Bible contains: 3,566,480 letters, 810,697 words, 31,179 verses, 1,189 chapters, and 66 books. Of the 1189 chapters in God’s Word the New Testament has 250 and the Old Testament has 939. Half of all the books in the Bible are no longer than two columns of a modern newspaper. …

Joe Lewis Defended Boxing Title 25 Times (illustration)

Joe Louis became the heavyweight boxing champion of the world in 1934 and successfully defended the title twenty-five times over the following fifteen years. The sports voice of those days, Bill Stern, asked Joe how he had been able to knock out his opponents so quickly in almo …

No Room at the Inn (illustration)

A young newlywed couple decided to go on their honeymoon to the beautiful Poconos in Pennsylvania. The town nearest the Poconos is the small village of Bethlehem, PA. They called to ...