
Wiersbe Warns of Music That teaches False Doctrine (illustration)

In his book ‘Be Faithful’ Warren Wiersbe comments that “it is unfortunate today that we not only have ’vain jangling’ (’meaningless talk,’) in teaching and preaching, but also in music. Far too many songs not only teach no doctrine, but m …

Soldiers should have both legs (illustration)

Recruiting officers do not dispute whether it is better for soldiers to have a right leg or a left leg: They should have both. (B. B. Warfield, quoted in Credenda, Volume 4, Number 5, p. 16).   …

Messing Up The Doctrine of Salvation (illustration)

The humorous story is told of a baseball manger who decided to play a rookie in right field one day. The regular fielder wasn’t happy about it and loudly makes it known from the bench that it was a big mistake to play the kid. As it turned out the rookie was so nervous that he me …