Related commentaries – Parable Teaching

Teaching in Parables – Matthew 13:1 – 13:9

Determination With Out Compromise

I know a young fellow in Oklahoma who was intent on going to college, but his folk did not have the money, and he had to work. Finally he got a job in a restaurant for the summer, which promised sufficient earnings to enable him to enter college the next fall. On receiving his first Saturday night’s pay envelope, he was ordered to report the next morning at seven o’clock. He had not thought of having to work Sundays but was told that restaurants must stay open everyday. He must either report for duty next morning or quit. He had been reared to spend Sunday God’s way. College plans were dashed. Then he saw an announcement of a coming examination in his Congressional district for a Rhodes Scholarship. He decided to study at home in preparation for that contest. He won the appointment. The following Fall, instead of going to his state college he entered Oxford, in England, with a $1,500 appropriation to finance him. (Encyclopedia of Illustrations #12541).