
Patrick Henry - Give me Liberty or Give Me Death (illustration)

Back in the earliest days of our nation a determined thirty- nine-year-old radical thinking attorney addressed the Virginia Convention. It was on March 23, 1775, that Patrick Henry made a soul-stirring speech which included, “If we wish to be free we must fight!....I repeat it …

Lincoln Won The Presidentcy by Debating Slavery (illustration)

The sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was born in a log cabin in Kentucky. When Abe was twenty-one the Lincoln family moved to Illinois. Admitted to the state bar in 1837, he was a member of the House of Representatives from 1846 to 1849. He won …

Celebration: Slaves in Jamaica Set Free (illustration)

In 1838, on the night when the slaves were set free in Jamaica, a large mahogany coffin was made and a grave was dug. Into that coffin the liberated slaves threw the reminders of their former life of slavery-whips, torture irons, branding irons, coarse frocks and shirts, large ha …

Slaves were treated better in South America (illustration)

Slavery existed in South America even before North America, but there was significant differences. In North America slaves lived at a bare subsistence level; the enslaved were mere chattels, bought and sold as such. In South America a slave was treated as a person, not an object. …

The Difference of Slavery in North and South America (illustration)

Slavery existed in South America even before North America, but with these significant differences: In North America slaves lived at a bare subsistence level; the enslaved were mere chattels, bought and sold as such. In South America a slave was treated as a person, not an ob …

The Life of Abraham Lincoln (illustration)

The sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was born in a log cabin in Kentucky. When Abe was twenty-one the Lincoln family moved to Illinois. Admitted to the state bar in 1837, he was a member of the House of Representatives from 1846 to 1849. …