
Oswald Smith - How People Can Help You in Sorrow (illustration)

“In times of deep sorrow it is not the people who tell you why you are suffering who are of any use; the people who help you are those who give expression to your state of mind, often they do not speak at all...” (Oswald Chambers). …

Strength in Time of Loss (illustration)

Not long after arriving in new Hebrides as a pioneer missionary, John G. Paton and his wife rejoiced in the coming of a baby son to gladden their home. But the joy was short-lived. Soon death took both his wife and child, and Paton had to dig their graves and bury his loved ones …

Queen Victoria Had No One to Call Her by Her First Name (illustration)

Queen Victoria was almost entirely dependent on the Prince Consort, Prince Albert. When Albert died very young, Queen Victoria was grief-stricken for many years. All her sorrow was summed up by this phrase: “I have no one to call me Victoria now.” She had plenty of peop …

What I Learned From Sorrow (illustration)

“I walked a mile with pleasure, she chatted all the way but left me none the wiser with all she had to say. I walked with sorrow, and not a word said she, but oh the things I learned from her when sorrow walked with me.” (Adrian Rogers). …

Godly Sorrow Results in Change (illustration)

Godly sorrow results in a willingness to change. Worldly sorrow results in hanging on to the sin. Worldly sorrow sees the sin as precious, as something you know is wrong yet you find yourself desperately trying to figure out some fool proof way to keep it close to you. Like Balbo …