Search for commentaries – Ephesians 5

Who do You Try to Imitate?
Paul continues his discussion on the conduct of believers. He says that each Christian should be an imitator of God because he is a child of God (v. 1). Just as children imitate their parents, so should a believer imitate God. This should begin by walking in Christ-like love (v.2 …

Walk as Children of Light
The Christian is not merely enlightened; he is the light of the world (v. 8). He is to walk in the light and by so doing expose the sin and darkness around him just by living as a Christian should. Have you ever experienced walking into a room where a group of peopl …

Evidences Of a Spirit-filled Life
It is sad to see so many professing Christians who drift aimlessly through life and never really do anything worthwhile for the Lord. Paul presents the following reasons why we need to be making the right use of every opportunity we have for the Lord: Because it is the only sensi …

Instructions to Wives
Wives are to submit (Col. 3:18). It is easy to fake a spirit-filled life for one or two hours a week in church, but it takes a real work of the Holy Spirit to exhibit genuine godliness in everyday relationships in the home. Paul explains how this works with the wife (vv. 22-24) a …

Instructions to Husbands
Husbands are to love (Col. 3:19). One of the reasons many wives find it hard to be submissive to their husband is because he refuses to assume his loving responsibility of leadership. This is especially true in the area of spiritual leadership. How many husbands are there wh …