Search for commentaries – John 11

News of Lazarus’ Death
Verses 1 through 6 describe the setting for a miracle. Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus, had become gravely ill (v. 1). Lazarus lived in Bethany with his two sisters, Mary and Martha. This was the ...

Jesus at the home of Mary and Martha
Lazarus probably died about the same time the messenger arrived to tell Jesus about his sickness (v. 17). Since Palestine is a warm climate and decomposition sets in quickly, a person was usually buried the same day he died. Therefore, Lazarus had been placed in a tomb. Since Bethany was ...

Emotions of Jesus
Martha secretly told Mary that Jesus had arrived and Mary went out to meet the Master (vv. 28-30). She did this "secretly” because of the possible danger involved. The people who were at the house trying to console Mary, saw her leave hastily and assumed she was going to Lazarus’ grave ...

Jesus Withdraws to Ephraim
Many of the people who had come to visit Mary saw the things that Jesus did, and they put their faith in him (v. 45). When Jesus presents Himself there are always two responses. Some believe on Him and others are hardened in their sin. In this case the latter group went to Jerusa …

Jesus Calls Lazarus Forth From the Grave
Christ came to the tomb and ordered someone to roll away the stone. Martha objected to this strange request since Lazarus’ body would stink (vv. 38-39). Christ reminded her of His previous statements by saying, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of ...

The Disciples Warn Jesus About Going to Judea
Jesus heard that Lazarus was sickness unto death and proposed to his disciples that they should return to Judea. His disciples were concerned as they knew how dangerous this would be (vv. 7-8). They remembered the previous conflicts with the rulers. Jesus calmed their fears by reminding ...

The Sanhedrin plot to kill Jesus
Many of those who witnessed the miracle (the raising of Lazarus from the dead) believed in Jesus (v. 45). A Faith based solely on miracles is not the best faith (see John 2:23), but it’s better than no faith at all. Others who witnessed the miracle went and reported to the Pharisees what they had ...

The People arrive for the Passover
From this point on, the Sanhedrin had reached their final verdict concerning Jesus. They wanted to find a way to have him killed (v. 53). Jesus was later tried before the religious leaders 3 times. These “trials” however were only a formality, meant to give the appearance of justice. He was ...