Search for commentaries – Luke 6

Jesus Works and Heals on the Sabbath
On the Sabbath day, possibly the next day after the feast at Matthew’s house, another problem is brought up by the Pharisees. Jesus and His disciples are passing through some grain fields and being hungry they pluck some of the grain and ate it (v. 1). These Pharisees who s …

Jesus Selects the Twelve Apostles
The selection of the twelve Apostles was made after Jesus spent a night in prayer (v. 12). Jesus had a large number of disciples and from those He picked 12 who were to be Apostles (vv. 13-16). A disciple is a learner or an apprentice, while an apostle is a chosen messenger sent …

The Rules of Kingdom Life
This portion of Scripture contains what is commonly called “The Golden Rule.” It is a mistake to think that our Lord was teaching a system of ethics that will do away with evil and raise us to a higher spiritual plane. The Jews despised the Romans because they oppressed …

Jesus Teaching in Parables
In this passage we find three parables. A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Jesus used several parables drawn from everyday life to illustrate the principles He was teaching:The Eye and its Focus (vv. 39-42) - Discernment is the key as we tend to judge.To s …