Search for commentaries – Proverbs 17

The Lord Tests the Hearts
It is far better to have a peaceful and quiet meal of dry bread than having a lot to eat in a house where there is strife (v. 1). Harmony of a person’s relationship with others is to be desired over a bountiful supply of food. Think of the children today who grow up in a home w …

Children Need to Revere Their Parents
Any who rejoice over the misfortune of others are actually mocking God (v. 5). Since the poor are made in God’s image, as all people are, to mock them is to speak against God. I have known people to rejoice when the group they felt in competition with suffered loss and their gr …

Evil Men Seek Rebellion
No matter how much you beat on a fool he will not change; but gently rebuke a wise man and he will take it to heart (v. 10). The wise man realizes his limitations and is thankful for correction while a fool is unresponsive. Have you ever heard the expression, “There is no fo …

A Friend Loves at All Times
To justify the wicked and to condemn the righteous is to call evil good, and good evil (v. 15). This is hated by the Lord and any who operate in this manner are fools. There are many examples of this going on in our society today but one that is very glaring is the abortion iss …

A Merry Heart Is Like Medicine
Dishonesty does you no good, and telling lies will get you in trouble (v. 20). The person who becomes the parent of a self-confident fool does it to his sorrow, and the father of such has no joy in him (v. 21). When the heart is filled with joy a man’s whole being is refreshed. …

The Lord Tests the Hearts
Harmony of a person’s relationship with others is to be desired over a bountiful supply of food (v. 1). Think of the children today who grow up in a home where there is continual strife and contention. Is it any wonder that many small children have ulcers and all kinds of emotional ...

Evil Men Seek Rebellion
A wise man realizes his limitations and is thankful for correction while a fool is unresponsive (v. 10). An evil man rebels against authority, but eventually he will be punished by a merciless official (v. 11). Challenging a foolish person is like stepping between a mother bear and her cubs...