Search for commentaries – Proverbs 18

With Dishonor Comes Reproach
Nothing is more clearly taught in the Scriptures than separation of those who love the truth and those who walk in darkness. Separation from evil includes evil friends, ecclesiastical evil, and evil in business. The Scripture is very plain on this subject (II Corinthians 6: …

A Fool’s Mouth Brings Destruction
We are often confronted in Scripture with the evil that the tongue inflicts on others. A fool finds himself constantly in trouble because he speaks from a heart that is corrupt. In fact his mouth eventually will lead him to destruction if he is not brought to repentance. His sp …

A Friend that sticks closer than a Brother
Don’t pass judgment until you are fully informed (v. 13). Jumping to conclusions before hearing the facts are unwise and will bring a person to shame. Give yourself the three-way test before speaking about someone: Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true? Being cheerful helps when we are ...

With Dishonor Comes Reproach
A man who is not sociable cares only for his own selfish concerns (v. 1). His separation is not for God’s glory but for his own pleasure. A fool is “closed minded” and “open mouthed.” He doesn’t want to gain knowledge; he only wants to share his views (v. 2). A man wrapped up in ...