Leviticus - Provisions for Holy Living

  • After Israel’s dramatic exit from Egypt, the nation was camped at the foot of Mount Sinai for two years to listen to God (Exodus 19 to Numbers 10). It was a time of resting, teaching, and meeting with Him face to face.
  • Worship and service are the central themes of the book of Leviticus.
  • Most Bible scholars believe that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, including Leviticus.
  • Leviticus received its name from the word “Levites,” who were the people God chose to be priests and workers in the Tabernacle.
  • The overwhelming message of Leviticus is the holiness of God: “Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy” (19:2).
  • The book of Leviticus has laws about offerings, priests, food, health, daily life, feasts, rewards, and punishments.
  • The final emphasis in Leviticus is celebration. There were special, regular, and corporate occasions for remembering what God had done, giving thanks to Him, and rededicating lives to His service.
  • As you read Leviticus, rededicate yourself to holiness, worshiping God in private and in group worship.

The following is a suggested outline of the book:

  1. Laws about offerings. These offerings included animals, grain, and other items that would be placed on the altar. Different sacrifices were required for different purposes (chapters 1-7).
  2. Laws about the priests. These were strict laws about the duties and behavior of the priests (chapters 8-10).
  3. Laws about food, health, and daily life. Many of these laws concerned standards of health and the cleanliness of the camp (chapters 11-22).
  4. Laws about feasts. God gave careful directions about how the people should celebrate holy days (chapters 23-25).
  5. Laws concerning rewards and punishments. Directions were given for how to make a promise, how to give to God, and what to expect when God was not obeyed (chapters 26-27).