
Twisting the Scriptures - I John 2:28 – 2:29 (commentary)

It is interesting to know that cults and false teachers rarely try to lead lost sinners into their group. Instead, they spend most of their time trying to convert professing Christians and church members to their counterfeit doctrines. We have been warned that this would happen: …

Simon is Denied the Gift of Healing - Acts 8:14 – 8:25 (commentary)

When persecution hit the church in Jerusalem, scattering the believers, the apostles were spared, remaining in Jerusalem (v. 1). Eventually word reached them of the work Philip was doing in Samaria (v. 14). The Samaritans had received the Word of God (v. 14), but strangely they had not ...

Don’t Pretend to Be Something You Are Not - Titus 1:10 – 1:16 (commentary)

Do you realize there are many teachers who use the Bible who can and do lead sincere people astray. Maybe you have even heard someone say, “It makes no difference what you believe, just as long as you believe something.” Paul certainly would …