
Furnishings For The Tabernacle - Exodus 26:1 – 26:37 (commentary)

Chapter 26 focuses on the tabernacle. This portable building was 15’ by 45’ with a wooden framework  at the sides, top and back. Over the top and back of the structure were placed 10 curtains of fine linen, embroidered with blue, purple, and scarlet, which served …

The Lord Commands Israel to Leave Mt Sinai - Exodus 33:1 – 33:11 (commentary)

God tells Moses that he and his people were led out of Egypt and they now need to move out of Mt Sinai and go toward the promised land (v. 1). He promised to send an angel with them and defeat their enemies but said He would not go with them (vv. 2-3). Because of their sin …

Intermarriage With Pagans - Ezra 9:1 – 9:5 (commentary)

After Ezra had been in the land for a period of time, he was informed by some of the princes that many were involved in sin. This grievous sin involved not only the people in general but even the priests and Levites who should have been the spiritual leaders (v. 1). This lack of …

Nehemiah Institutes Biblical Separation - Nehemiah 13:23 – 13:31 (commentary)

The final problem that Nehemiah faces was the tendency so common in Israel to ignore the prohibitions against intermarriage with pagan peoples. When he returned to Jerusalem, he found the people again disobeying the Law (vv. 23-24). It was true then as it is today that when the f …

The prophecies of Balaam. - Numbers 23:1 – 23:30 (commentary)

Israel’s greatest temptation was in wanting to be like the other nations, and this is what led to their downfall and captivity. Unfortunately, many in the church today have the same mistaken idea that being like the world is the way to reach the world. Instead of maintaining sepa …

With Dishonor Comes Reproach - Proverbs 18:1 – 18:5 (commentary)

Nothing is more clearly taught in the Scriptures than separation of those who love the truth and those who walk in darkness. Separation from evil includes evil friends, ecclesiastical evil, and evil in business. The Scripture is very plain on this subject (II Corinthians 6: …

Be Holy - II Corinthians 6:11 – 6:18 (commentary)

Separation from the ungodly is a basic Bible doctrine. Verses 14 and 15 of this chapter are often applied to various sorts of alliances such as mixed marriages, improper business associations and religious fellowship. The idea of the unequal yoke comes from Deuteronomy 22:100 where it says ...

Lot’s Captivity and Rescue - Genesis 14:1 – 14:12 (commentary)

This chapter records the first battle in the Bible as well as the first in all of recorded history First the conditions are described (vv. 1-2).. It takes place between four powerful kings of the East and five Jordanian kings. This battle focuses at a point that intersects a main …

With Dishonor Comes Reproach - Proverbs 18:1 – 18:12 (commentary)

A man who is not sociable cares only for his own selfish concerns (v. 1). His separation is not for God’s glory but for his own pleasure. A fool is “closed minded” and “open mouthed.” He doesn’t want to gain knowledge; he only wants to share his views (v. 2). A man wrapped up in ...