
We Must Not be Found Sleeping - Mark 13:33 – 13:37 (commentary)

The keyword in this passage is “Watch” (v. 37). Jesus compares His going away as to a man who takes a long journey and leaves his servants to watch over things while he is gone (vv. 33-34). Jesus has left the earth to go to His Father and left His disciples with the …

Jesus Tells them to Remain Watchful - Luke 21:35 – 21:38 (commentary)

The fig tree in this parable is thought by many to be a symbol of Israel. Jesus is teaching that we can tell what is coming by watching the signs. As the fig leaves sprout in the spring, we know that summer is near. As the budding of the fig tree indicates that summ …

Jesus tells them to Remain watchful - Luke 21:29 – 21:34 (commentary)

Some day you may visit the interesting and historic French-Canadian city of Quebec. There you will see the Plains of Abraham, where the English forces of General Wolfe won Quebec from the French. When you see the steep ascent that Wolf’s men had to make up the face of the great rocky cliffs, you will be amazed that they succeeded. Mere boys should have been able to hold off a force of soldiers from scaling such cliffs and gaining the heights. Yet Wolfe and his men made the ascent and gained the citadel. Why? Because the overconfident defenders became careless and pleasure-loving; and one night, when they were off guard, the enemy saw his opportunity, scaled the heights, and took the city. Quebec fell because its defenders failed to keep watch. (Joseph Harris in Sunday School Times).