Related commentaries – Fear

Israel’s Woman Liberator – Judges 4:1 – 4:24

84 year old grandmother nails the door shut on the burglar

We need to be like the 84-year-old grandmother who fiercely maintained her independence and lived alone in the old family home. Her 4 children lived in the same town, but she rarely called them except in emergencies. It was with some apprehension, therefore, that one of her sons drove to her house one morning in answer to her phone call. When he arrived, she said she suspected that there was a burglar in her bedroom closet, since she had heard noises in there the night before. “Why didn’t you call me last night?” he exclaimed. “Well,” she replied, it was late, and I hated to bother you, so I just nailed the closet shut and went to bed.” That’s the kind of attitude a Christian can have when faced with the impossible. Nail the door of fear shut and go to bed in calm assurance. (Source Unknown).