
The Independence of Our United States (illustration)

“Yesterday the greatest question was decided which ever was debated in America; and a greater perhaps never was, nor will be, decided ...

My Country Tis Of Thee by Samuel Smith (illustration)

One bleak day in February 1832, Samuel Francis Smith, a young theological student sat in his room at Andover Seminary. He was going over a sheaf of German songs for children, given him by a friend, and composer Lowell Mason. As he hummed over one after another, one struck h …

Slaves Bury Reminders of Former Life (illustration)

In 1838, on the night when the slaves were set free in Jamaica, a large mahogany coffin was made and a grave was dug. Into that coffin the liberated slaves threw the reminders of their former life of slavery—whips, torture irons, branding irons, coarse frocks and shirts, la …