Related commentaries – Generosity

Dealing With The Problem of Hospitality – III John 1:1 – 1:8

Pastor and farmer talk over the fence

A pastor had a farmer friend in his congregation and they were talking over the fence one day. The pastor asked the farmer, “Abe, if you had one hundred horses, would you give me fifty?” Abe said, “Certainly.” The pastor asked, “If you had one hundred cows, would you give me fifty?” Abe said, “Yes.” Then the pastor asked, “If you had two pigs, would you give me one?” Abe said, “Now cut that out, pastor; you know I have two pigs!” :) Generosity sounds good in the abstract; many Christians picture themselves giving away half of an inheritance. Fewer, it seems, can part with one pig. (Source Unknown, Lou Nicholes - Missionary/Author).