
Hendricks: God Loves You And Has a Plan for You (illustration)

Jack Cooper in Dallas is an ophthalmologist. Instead of the trite, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their countryā€¯ flip chart standard for eye exams, he made one that says, ...

Statistics on Those who Do Not Witness (illustration)

Over 100 million adults attend church weekly. 49% are not even believers. The average Christian ...

Living so high we can’t reach down to sinners (illustration)

A man once testified in one of D. L. Moody’s meetings that he had lived “on the Mount of Transfiguration” for five years. “How many souls did you lead to Christ last year?” Moody bluntly asked him. “Well,” the man hesitated, “I don’t know.” …

Robert Murray McCheyne Let The Tears Flow (illustration)

Years ago, a young minister visited Dundee, Scotland, deeply concerned that his ministry had very few results. He decided to visit the scene where years before Robert Murray McCheyne had ...

Francis d’Assisi - We Preach as we Walk (illustration)

According to the book Life of Francis d’Assisi, Francis once invited a young monk to join him on a trip to town to preach. Honored to be given the invitation, the monk readily accepted. All day long he and Francis walked through the streets, byways, and alleys, and even into the …