Daniel’s Terrifying Vision of a Man Another vision is given to Daniel, shortly before his death (v. 1). This vision took place during
“The third year of Cyrus king of
Persia.” It seems that Daniel was now around eighty years of age and had retired from public
service. Prior to this vision, Cyrus
all …
Prophecies Concerning Persia And Greece Suddenly, a hand touched Daniel, which made him tremble (v. 10). God thought so highly of
Daniel that He had sent a
messenger who told him to stand up and pay close attention (v. 11). Daniel stood trembling as
the angel told him not to be
afraid! God has listened to your …
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Daniel’s Terrifying Vision of a Man
Another vision is given to Daniel, shortly before his death (v. 1). This vision took place during “The third year of Cyrus king of Persia.” It seems that Daniel was now around eighty years of age and had retired from public service. Prior to this vision, Cyrus all …
Prophecies Concerning Persia And Greece
Suddenly, a hand touched Daniel, which made him tremble (v. 10). God thought so highly of Daniel that He had sent a messenger who told him to stand up and pay close attention (v. 11). Daniel stood trembling as the angel told him not to be afraid! God has listened to your …