Regulations Concering Debt Cancellation In this chapter Moses states that during this seventh year
the Israelites were not to be pressed to pay their debts.
This does not mean that the debts would be eliminated
completely but simply that the time of payment was
extended for one year. The Israelites were allowed to press
foreigners ...
The Principles of Slavery Moses teaches Israel the principles of the Hebrew bond-
slave and the conditions for setting him free (vv. 12-18).
The Lord had previously made it clear that six full years of
a person’s life were enough to have to work as a slave for
defaulting on a loan (Exodus 21:2). At the end of that time
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Search for commentaries – Deuteronomy 15
Regulations Concering Debt Cancellation
In this chapter Moses states that during this seventh year the Israelites were not to be pressed to pay their debts. This does not mean that the debts would be eliminated completely but simply that the time of payment was extended for one year. The Israelites were allowed to press foreigners ...
The Principles of Slavery
Moses teaches Israel the principles of the Hebrew bond- slave and the conditions for setting him free (vv. 12-18). The Lord had previously made it clear that six full years of a person’s life were enough to have to work as a slave for defaulting on a loan (Exodus 21:2). At the end of that time ...