Promised Blessing After Israel’s Repentance The actual Palestinian covenant is given that lays down the
conditions under which Israel is to enter the promised land.
You will notice there are no “ifs” in this covenant. It is an
unconditional promise of future blessing. The little word
“all” is used several times. God will send all His ...
Obedience Brings Life As we think about Israel’s future, their stay in the land will
be determined by their obedience (vv. 15-16). Some day
He will return them to the Land, and they shall never go
out again. When He brings them back, they will obey Him.
Moses never taught the Israelites that they were justified
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Search for commentaries – Deuteronomy 30
Promised Blessing After Israel’s Repentance
The actual Palestinian covenant is given that lays down the conditions under which Israel is to enter the promised land. You will notice there are no “ifs” in this covenant. It is an unconditional promise of future blessing. The little word “all” is used several times. God will send all His ...
Obedience Brings Life
As we think about Israel’s future, their stay in the land will be determined by their obedience (vv. 15-16). Some day He will return them to the Land, and they shall never go out again. When He brings them back, they will obey Him. Moses never taught the Israelites that they were justified ...