Search for commentaries – Genesis 2

Life Began
On the seventh day, after God’s work of creation was complete He rested (vv. 1-3). In our action packed world there always seems to be something to do and no time to rest. Yet God demonstrated that rest is appropriate. If God rested from His work it should not amaze us tha …

Choice Between Good And Evil
An exact identification of the garden of Eden is impossible. However, it is generally agreed by Bible historians that the oldest known civilization centered in and around the region of Mesopotamia. This means that the garden was probably in the area of what we know to …

A Companion For Adam
When God finished His creation He said that everything was very good (1:31). Now He says that Adam was alone and that this was not good (v. 18). To solve this problem God creates the first woman and the institution of marriage begins. It is interesting to n …