Search for commentaries – Mark 11

Jesus Rides a Donkey Into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
We have come to the last stage of the journey. There had been the time of withdrawal around Caesarea Philippi in the far north. There had been the time in Galilee. There had been the stay in the hill-country of Judea and in the regions beyond Jordan. There had been the road through …

Jesus Said The Temple is a Den of Thieves
As Jesus and His disciples were leaving, Bethany for Jerusalem, the next morning, Jesus spotted a fig tree with leaves on it (vv. 12-13). He was hungry and because it had leaves it should have some fruit on it. (The fig tree usually has fruit when it displays its leaves). When He …

Jesus Cursed The Fig Tree And it Dried Up
Jesus and His disciples were staying in Bethany each night (v. 19). The next day the disciples noticed that the fig tree Jesus had cursed the day before was all dried up (vv. 20-21). As they called it to His attention He used it as an illustration to teach them these principles o …

Jesus Questioned on His Authority
While Jesus was walking in the temple He was confronted by the priests, the scribes, and the elders who together were known as the Sanhedrin (v. 27). They challenged Him with a question, “By what authority doest thou these things?” (v. 28) which was obviously in reference …