
Samuel Gathered the leaders of Israel together - I Samuel 10:14 – 10:27 (commentary)

Saul returns home, and says nothing about the private anointing (vv. 14-16). He told his uncle about finding the donkeys with Samuel’s help, but Saul said nothing about the kingship. Samuel calls an assembly of all Israel. There, perhaps by use of Urim and Thummim, Saul is public …

Esther Chosen to be Queen - Esther 2:12 – 2:23 (commentary)

It took one whole year to prepare these women for their presentation to the king (v. 12). During this time beauty treatment was prescribed, with oil of myrrh and six other perfumes and cosmetics (v. 13). We are not told how her turn to come before the king was determined. When called she ...