
Judas Brings a Mob to Arrest Jesus - Matthew 26:47 – 26:56 (commentary)

While Jesus was speaking Judas arrived in the garden with a large crowd (v. 47). They had swords, clubs, torches and lanterns (John 18:3). Judas had arranged a signal with the officials that the one he kissed would be the one to arrest (vv. 48-49). When Judas called Judas “ …

Isaiah’s Prophecy - Isaiah 39:1 – 39:8 (commentary)

Warren Wiersbe says that “a crisis does not make a person; it shows what a person is made of."Â Hezekiah faced three crises during his reign as king. There was an international crisis, which was the invasion of the Assyrian army. There was a personal crisis, which …