
Israel Rejects God And Demands a King - I Samuel 8:1 – 8:22 (commentary)

Many People are painfully aware that things would be far better in their lives if they had made wiser decisions. It is especially frustrating to realize what they are going through now is the result of one poor decision in our lives. This is such a time in the life of Israel.When …

Loving God In Spite of Trials - James 1:12 – 1:18 (commentary)

In this passage James reminds Christians who are going through trials that God rewards those who remain steadfast. The reward is twofold: The possession of an inner blessedness (v. 12a). Happiness is not affected by outward circumstances. It is for those who are poor, …

The Cost of Discipleship - Luke 9:51 – 9:62 (commentary)

Although Jesus knew He would face persecution and death in Jerusalem, He was determined to do there (v. 51). James and John, two gracious and devoted disciples, saw their master was not received. They had seen the Prophet Elijah on the mountain so they thought they could imit …

The Parable of the Great Banquet - Luke 14:15 – 14:24 (commentary)

Jesus gives a parable about a great banquet. In those days when you invited guests to dinner, you told them the day but not the exact hour of the meal. Then just before the feast was to begin, the host sent his servants to tell the guests the banquet was ready and they should …