
Aaron to Be Moses’ Mouthpiece - Exodus 4:10 – 4:17 (commentary)

Moses still had another excuse. He said “I cannot speak well. I am slow of speech and (I John 4:7-10) my tongue is slow” (v. 10). The Lord was very patient with Moses when He said, “Who made your mouth (v.11)?” and answered it by saying “I did. I wil …

Our Speech Should be Uplifting - Proverbs 13:1 – 13:5 (commentary)

Again we are reminded of the theme of this entire book of Proverbs which is found in chapter 1, verse 7. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” A wise son will listen to his parents who have already been down the …

Choose Gentle Words - Proverbs 15:1 – 15:5 (commentary)

Our speech has great power for good or evil. A gentle word often will calm a very angry person while sharp and cutting remarks will only make him more angry (v. 1). It shows far more character to meet an angry man in quietness of spirit and speak cool, calm word …

The Tongue that Needs Tamed - James 3:1 – 3:8 (commentary)

The Christians that James wrote to were apparently having problems with their tongues. James had warned them to be “swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (1:19). The power of speech is one of the greatest powers God has given to us. In order to impress upon …