The Rod and Reproof Bring Wisdom

I’m amused by the story of the boy who was fishing on a stream when a group of teenagers arrived on the scene with their rods and reels and fancy flies. They thrashed the water as they joked and ... More


An undisciplined child will bring shame to his mother and ruin to himself (v. 15). When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increases (v. 16). Proper discipline includes both verbal instruction and spankings. Failure to discipline results in a society overrun with wickedness and lacking in fear of punishment. Following the Biblical principles of discipline will produce children who will bring delight to their parents (v. 17). Without God’s Word people abandon themselves to their own sinful ways (v. 18). Keeping God’s law brings happiness. Lack of vision results in a cold, dry, theological, philosophical treatment of the Scriptures which is given to touch the intellect rather than the heart and the conscience. It is important to use the rod and reproof when children are young and forming both character and habits for life (v. 19). If they are not corrected when they are young, verbal correction will accomplish very little when they become older.

There is more hope for a fool than there is for an insensitive person because an insensitive person hurts himself and others (v. 20). Failure to discipline a servant will bring grief. (v. 21). It is impossible to have a close relationship with the Lord with an angry spirit (v. 22). An angry person causes all kinds of strife and commits many sins. Pride only results in one being brought low (v. 23) while the humble will be elevated to a position of honor. It is a serious thing to partake in the sins of others. A man who forms a partnership with a thief despises his own life (v. 24). In court he must either lie or say nothing. If he testifies, he will implicate himself. If he says nothing, he will be assumed guilty (Lev. 5:1). The person who fears God will not fear man. The person who fears man will never fear God as he should (v. 25). Many seek the approval of men when God alone determines their destiny (v. 26). Good people and criminals can’t stand each other (v. 27).



In my decisions and actions, do I find myself seeking the approval of man or God?

Proverbs 29:15-27 (English Standard Version)

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