Related commentaries – Famine

God’s Punishment For Jerusalem’s Sin – Lamentations 4:1 – 4:13

Punishment For Stealing

Once, when Mr. LaGuardia, the famous ex-mayor of New York, was presiding at a police court, they brought a trembling old man before him charged with stealing a loaf of bread. He said his family was starving. “Well, I’ve got to punish you,” said Mr. LaGuardia. “The law makes no exception, and I can do nothing but sentence you to a fine of ten dollars.” Then he added, after reaching into his pocket, “and here’s the ten dollars to pay your fine. And now I remit the fine.” Then, tossing the ten-dollar bill into his famous oversized hat, he said, “Furthermore, I’m going to fine everybody in this courtroom fifty cents, for living in a town where a man has to steal bread in order to eat. Mr. Bailiff, collect the fines, and give them to this defendant.” The hat was passed, and the old man, left the courtroom with forty-seven dollars and fifty cents in his pocket. (Methodist Recorder).