
A Comparison Between The Two Sons of Abraham - Galatians 4:27 – 4:31 (commentary)

It is written that a barren woman, who has not given birth to children should break forth with a joyful shout, because of not feeling birth pangs, in comparison to the desolate woman who has many more children than she who has a husband (v. 27). This quotation from (Isaiah 54:1) …

Contrasts in Life - Proverbs 10:11 – 10:16 (commentary)

In this passage we find several comparisons:A comparison is made between love and hatred (vv. 10-12). Love makes people live peacefully with each other because it forgives the faults of others. it does not dwell on their faults (I Cor. 13:5). On the other hand hatred results in d …

From Dust to Dust - Ecclesiastes 3:9 – 3:22 (commentary)

Everything that God makes or that happens is the gift of God (vv. 9-13). In a world controlled by God and not by man there is nothing better for us to do than to enjoy the things that are present and leave the future to God. This concept is the key to real happiness in our …