
Pilate’s Compromise - John 18:38 – 18:40 (commentary)

In this passage, Pilate declares Jesus innocent three times, yet subjects Him to a terrible beating (18:38-19:1). His actions speak louder than his words. He was a weak-willed man who hoped to find a happy compromise. Pilate asks the question, “What is truth” (v. …

The Plague of Flies - Exodus 8:16 – 8:32 (commentary)

In the previous plagues, of turning water to blood and the frogs, the Egyptian magicians were able to imitate Moses. Today’s plague, however, of turning the dust into lice could not be imitated (vv.16-18). In fact, the magicians even told the king that God had done this but …

The Church at Thyatira Compromised - Revelation 2:18 – 2:29 (commentary)

Thyatira is located about 35 miles southeast of Pergamos and was noted for its wool and dye industry. This city is first mentioned in connection with Paul’s missionary journeys. His first convert was a woman of this city by the name of Lydia who was a seller of purple. Though much ...

Paul arrives in Jerusalem - Acts 21:17 – 21:26 (commentary)

Paul finally arrived in Jerusalem and went before the church leaders to give a missionary report of what God had done in his journeys (vv. 17-19). They listened very politely but when he was finished, they told him they had a local situation that perhaps he could help them settle ...

Jesus is Sentenced to Die - Matthew 27:11 – 27:26 (commentary)

As Jesus enters Pilate’s judgment hall the Jewish leaders accused Him of the following crimes: 1.. Guilty of misleading the nation 2. Forbidding the paying of taxes 3. Claiming to be a kingPilate focused on the third charge when he asked,"Are you the King of the Jews” …

Joshua’s Farewell Address - Joshua 23:1 – 23:16 (commentary)

In this passage we find Joshua’s retirement speech. His long life started in Egyptian bondage and ended in a worship service in the Promised Land. He had been used to lead Israel in defeating the enemy, conquering the land, and claiming the promised inheritance. He is now approaching 110 ...

Joshua’s Farewell Address - Joshua 23:9 – 23:16 (commentary)

As this chapter opens some twenty years have passed since the wars in Canaan. Joshua knew that his days on this earth were numbered. He had a deep concern, for he observed a growing complacency on the part of Israel toward the Canaanites that still dwelt in the land which should …

Balak sends for Balaam - Numbers 22:1 – 22:21 (commentary)

The key person in this passage is a mysterious soothsayer named Balaam. He was a Gentile who lived at a place called Pethor near the Euphrates River (v. 5). He had a reputation for receiving hidden knowledge and the use of occult power to grant blessing or cursing and sold his se …

Failure in Northern Canaan - Judges 1:21 – 1:36 (commentary)

Judah’s victories were by no means complete. She was unable to cope with her enemy’s chariots of iron. Benjamin was not able to drive out the Jebusites from their portion of the land. Manasseh was unable to overthrow the Canaanites in her own terrain (vv. 21-22). She kept them in servitude ...

Compromise Invites an Attack by Satan - Proverbs 25:21 – 25:28 (commentary)

The kindness shown in giving someone food and water makes him ashamed of being an enemy, and will soften his angry feelings (vv. 21-22). Nothing brings sorrow and strife among people more than the repeating of matter that cannot profit, and brings pain to the one of whom they are …

The Results of Compromise - Jeremiah 7:1 – 7:7 (commentary)

Most of his messages from chapters 7-20 were delivered during the reign of Jehoiakim. King Josiah had led the nation in a reformation during which he restored the temple and removed idols from the land. In 609 he was wounded in battle near Megiddo and taken to Jerusalem where he …

A Man of God Goes to Bethel - I Kings 13:1 – 13:19 (commentary)

Just as Jeroboam was about to burn incense at the altar at Bethel a prophet of God from Judah appeared. He pronounced one of the most remarkable prophecies in all of Scripture as he predicted the name and actions of a king who would not appear on the scene for almost 300 years. …

Macaiah Warns Ahab - I Kings 22:1 – 22:29 (commentary)

There had been three years without any war between Israel and Syria (v. 1). Ahab decided to regain Israel’s lost territory of Ramoth-gilead, 28 miles east of the Jordan River and l5 miles south of the Sea of Galilee (vv. 2-3). In order to have an army large enough to defeat th …

Lot’s Daughters Have Sons By Their Father - Genesis 19:27 – 19:38 (commentary)

A few thoughts are inserted concerning Uncle Abraham. “And Abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord: And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and lo, the smoke of the country went …

Jehoshaphat’s Alliance With Ahab - II Chronicles 18:1 – 18:34 (commentary)

Jehoshaphat became care¬less in his diplomatic relations and joined in an unholy alliance with king Ahab. A sad result of this alliance was the marriage of his son Jehoram to Ahab’s daughter, Athaliah (v. 21:6). One day Jehoshaphat went to visit Ahab in Samaria (v. 2) and Ahab put on a ...

Jehoshaphat’s 25 year reign was marked by prosperity - II Chronicles 20:24 – 20:37 (commentary)

When Judah came, they saw all the enemy dead (v. 24). The slaughter was so great that the men of Judah couldn’t carry away all the spoil and they were three days gathering it up (v. 25). With thanksgiving to God, they offered praise for His love (vv. 26-28). That is why this place is still ...

Saul Seeks Help With The Witch of Endor - I Samuel 28:1 – 28:25 (commentary)

This chapter opens with a new act of war being declared by the Philistines against Israel. With this, David finds himself in a compromising situation as King Achish asks David and his troops to join forces with the Philistines against Israel. If he said no, he would be in big tro …

Jotham’s Good Reign in Judah - II Kings 15:23 – 15:38 (commentary)

Pekahiah, Menahem’s son, reigned two years before being killed in a conspiracy by Pekah. Pekah then assumed the throne of Israel. It seems that he had never accepted Menahem’s claim to the throne and prior to this had set up a rival government east of the Jordan River in Gilead …

Pilate’s Compromise - John 18:28 – 18:40 (commentary)

Pilate sought to compromise to please both sides. Long before His arrest in the garden, the Jewish leaders had planned to kill Jesus (John 11:47-51), but they lacked the right to execute him. Seeking Roman approval, they brought Jesus before Pilate (v. 28). Pilate wasn’t anxious to get involved in ...