
The Three Feasts of God’s Chosen People - Deuteronomy 16:1 – 16:22 (commentary)

Every Israelite male was obligated to attend three feasts at God’s chosen place every year (v. 16). Apparently, some Jews of this period did not take this command any more serious than some Christians of our day do in attending the services of the church (Hebrews 10:25). If possible, their ...

Feast of Purim Established - Esther 9:18 – 10:3 (commentary)

The Feast of Purim was not established by the Mosaic Law. It was commanded by Mordecai (vv. 20-28) and by Esther (vv. 29-32). These two feast days were for remembering the goodness of God working through circumstances to protect His people from extinction. This feast was called ...

Days Set For National Public Worship And Sacrifice - Leviticus 23:1 – 23:14 (commentary)

In this chapter the Lord instructed His people to reserve certain dates on their calendar for national public worship and sacrifice. Calendars are a normal part of our modern busy world, but they weren’t that important to the people of Israel in Moses day. The Jews worked from s …