
A witness to All Generations - Joshua 22:21 – 22:34 (commentary)

The Israelite delegation was soon to learn that their suspicions were wrong. Instead of responding in anger the eastern tribes hastened to explain their reason for building the altar. It was not for the purpose of sacrifice (v. 23). The eastern tribes realized the validity of the altar in Shiloh. They ...

We Will be Judged For What We do in The Body - Proverbs 30:18 – 30:23 (commentary)

 Four amazing things (vv. 18-19) - Things that I cannot understand (v. 18).An eagle in the sky - “How eagles fly so high” - (v. 19). A snake on a rock - “or snakes crawl on rocks - (v. 19).A ship in the ocean - “How ships sail the ocean - (v. 19).A m …