
How Wisdom Will Keep You Out of Trouble - Proverbs 4:10 – 4:19 (commentary)

Wisdom will keep us out of trouble. In (vv 10-13) we have the ways of wisdom, (vv 14-17) the ways of wickedness and a summary in (vv 18-19) of both distinctions.We can’t help but notice that the beginning of this chapter said to listen to the father, (v. 1) and again (v. 10 …

Following Instruction Will Spare You Sorrow - Proverbs 13:11 – 13:15 (commentary)

How many times have you been tempted by some type of a get rich quick scheme? It is said that two out of three adults participate in some form of gambling. Out of these 80% never receive anything in return. Even if you were to win, verse 11 says wealth that is gotten in a fraudu …

David’s Instructions to Solomon - I Kings 2:1 – 2:12 (commentary)

David knew that he would soon die so he made plans to counsel his successor. His instructions to Solomon were two fold: 1. Solomon’s relationship to God (vv. 1-4) - His two main exhortations were: “Be strong... and show yourself a man” and “Keep the charge o …