
Cleansing by God’s Word - Psalms 119:9 – 119:24 (commentary)

Everywhere we look we find temptation to lead impure lives. The writer in this passage seems to be suggesting six ways to survive adolescence by keeping pure and growing in the Lord...

Encouragement to Moral Purity - Proverbs 5:15 – 5:23 (commentary)

The Lord has made provision for man’s happiness, not through immoral entanglements but through the blessings of married life. Marital love with one’s wife is pictured as enjoying one’s cistern or fountain. As a person would not get water from his neighbor’s cistern bec …

Stay Sexually Pure - I Corinthians 6:12 – 6:20 (commentary)

In these verses, the apostle once more takes up the question of sexual immorality, a sin that was prevalent in Corinth. The temple of the love goddess, Aphrodite, was there. It employed more than a thousand prostitutes and sex was part of the worship ritual. In other words, Corinth was a morally ...

Separate Yourself from False Teachers - II Timothy 2:20 – 2:26 (commentary)

Paul describes the professing church as a “great house” in which there are basically two types of vessels (v. 20): those of honor (gold and silver) and those of dishonor (wood and clay). He is not distinguishing between different kinds of Christians but is pointing out …

Paul’s Change of Plans - II Corinthians 1:12 – 1:14 (commentary)

In this text it appears that there were those who were attributing hidden motives to Paul. His answer is that his whole conduct is dominated, not by shrewdness, but by the grace of God (v. 12). There were no hidden motives in Paul’s life. If we are honest, we will have to admit that we seldom do ...

Laws Concerning Relationships, Mixtures And Marriage - Deuteronomy 22:1 – 22:30 (commentary)

Moses covers various laws in this chapter as it pertains to a man’s neighbors and his family: 1. Every man was required to help protect that which belonged to his neighbor (vv. 1-4). 2. The clothing of men and women was to maintain a distinction between the sexes (v. 5). During ...