
Jesus Meets the Samaritan Women - John 4:1 – 4:15 (commentary)

To avoid conflict with the Pharisees, who were alarmed at His increasing popularity, Jesus left Judea and started north for Galilee (vv. 1-3) It states that “He must needs go through Samaria” (v. 4). An Orthodox Jew would have crossed the Jordan River near Jericho, made his way through ...

Longing For The Living God - Psalms 42:1 – 42:8 (commentary)

We can’t be absolutely sure who wrote this psalm, but whoever he was, he certainly was discouraged and expresses his deep longing for God. Many Bible scholars are of the opinion that this psalm was written by David on the occasion of his flight from his son Absalom (II Sam. 17:24 …