Jeremiah 30:1-11
God Will Restore His People
Jeremiah 30:12-24
Judgment Must Come Before Blessing Can Come
Jeremiah 31:1-14
He Promises to Restore Joy
Jeremiah 31:15-30
Man is Responsible For His Own Sins
Jeremiah 31:31-40
An Opportunity to Make a Fresh Start
Jeremiah 32:1-15
Does Your Life Seem Like it is Sitting Still?
Jeremiah 32:16-27
There is Nothing too Hard For God
Jeremiah 32:28-44
The Practice of Child Sacrifice
Jeremiah 33:1-13
What Can We do in Difficult Times?
Jeremiah 33:14-26
God Never Breaks His Promises
Jeremiah 34:1-22
Treacherous Treatment of Slaves
Jeremiah 35:1-11
Worship or Tradition?
Jeremiah 35:12-19
Loyalty to a Group or to God?
Jeremiah 36:1-32
You Can Reject God’s Word But Not Destroy it
God Never Breaks His Promises
Jeremiah 33:14–26
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A senior pastor who told his handsome new assistant pastor to avoid the dangers of immorality in the ministry. The assistant pastor quite sure of himself said, “I’ll do much of my socializing in groups, there is safety in numbers.” The wise senior pastor however … More
The second section of this chapter is introduced the phrase “the days are coming” (v. 14). This refers to both the first and second comings of Christ. At his first coming He would set up His reign in the hearts of believers, at His second coming He would execute justice and righteousness throughout the whole earth. Christ is the branch of righteousness sprouting from David the man after God’s own heart (vv. 14-16). As Christ fulfils the role of king, He also fulfils the role of Priest, maintaining constant fellowship with God and mediating for the people (vv. 17-18). Now that Christ is our High Priest, all believers are priests of God, and we can come before Him personally.
God gave two assurances that He would keep His covenant promises. Each assurance began with the same introductory phrase, “The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah,” (vv. 19, 23); and each used God’s “covenant of day and night” to illustrate the permanence of these institutions. Only if man could break God’s covenant with the day and...the night (Gen. 1:14-19) could he break God’s covenant with David and His covenant with the Levites who are priests. That is, God’s covenants with these groups were as fixed as the natural order of the universe.
There were people who were claiming that God had so rejected the two kingdoms that He would no longer regard them as a nation (vv. 24-26). They felt that Israel’s and Judah’s sin had invalidated all God’s covenant promises so that He was no longer obligated to fulfill them. God responded to this argument by reaffirming His commitment to His covenant promises. The covenants with Abraham and David were not conditioned on the people’s obedience but on God’s character. They could be as sure of this as the fixed laws of heaven and earth.Application
I am thankful that God cannot and will not break His promises. Because of that I am sure that God is preparing a home for me in heaven where I will spend all eternity with Him.
Jeremiah 33:14-26 (English Standard Version)
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