God’s Control Over His Creation

Topic: Submission
Passage: Job 39:1–30

April 18, 2019


God asked Job several questions about the animal kingdom in order to demonstrate how limited Job’s knowledge was. God was not seeking answers from Job. Instead He was getting Job to recognize and submit to God’s power and sovereignty. Only then could he hear what God was really saying.

Job was quizzed about whether he knew the exact date the goat and the deer would give birth to their young (vv. 1-3). He was also asked whether he could explain their ability to provide for their young  in such a way as to enable them to mature and look after themselves so soon (v. 4). Job remains silent  when God asked him who sent the donkey into the wilderness and gave him freedom from the crowds of the city, or the shouts of the taskmaster (vv. 5-8). The next inquiry was about the wild-ox. It was impossible to harness it like the wild donkey. It could never be made content with serving a master (v. 9). Therefore, it would be impossible to use it as a plow animal, or to depend upon it for bringing in a harvest (vv. 10-12).

The wings of the ostrich wave proudly, but they cannot lift their bodies into the sky like the wings of the stork do (v. 13). The ostrich lays her eggs and leaves them for the warmth of earth to incubate (v. 14). She ignores the danger that her nest might be crushed by the animals as they roam forging for food (v. 15). Her seeming unconcern makes it difficult for her young (v. 16). She is a stupid bird that has been deprived of wisdom and understanding (v. 17) as she mocks both horse and rider (v. 18). After these questions, a series of descriptive statements about the horse were given (vv. 19-21).

The horse never flinches before the sword (v. 22) but rushes into the battle (v. 23). His speed is so great that it makes him look like he is swallowing the ground as he races (v. 24), thrilled to hear the command of his rider (v. 25). Then comes a couple of big questions. Who teaches hawks to fly south for the winter (v. 26) and who trains eagles to build their nests on rocky cliffs where they can look down and spot their next meal (vv. 27-30)?


I want to be able to say, “Dear God, Your will, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.”

Job 39:1– 30 (NET)

1 “Are you acquainted with the way the mountain goats give birth? Do you watch as the wild deer give birth to their young?

2 Do you count the months they must fulfill, and do you know the time they give birth?

3 They crouch, they bear their young, they bring forth the offspring they have carried.

4 Their young grow strong, and grow up in the open; they go off, and do not return to them.

5 Who let the wild donkey go free? Who released the bonds of the donkey,

6 to whom I appointed the arid rift valley for its home, the salt wastes as its dwelling place?

7 It scorns the tumult in the town; it does not hear the shouts of a driver.

8 It ranges the hills as its pasture, and searches after every green plant.

9 Is the wild ox willing to be your servant? Will it spend the night at your feeding trough?

10 Can you bind the wild ox to a furrow with its rope, will it till the valleys, following after you?

11 Will you rely on it because its strength is great? Will you commit your labor to it?

12 Can you count on it to bring in your grain, and gather the grain to your threshing floor?

13 “The wings of the ostrich flap with joy, but are they the pinions and plumage of a stork?

14 For she leaves her eggs on the ground, and lets them be warmed on the soil.

15 She forgets that a foot might crush them, or that a wild animal might trample them.

16 She is harsh with her young, as if they were not hers; she is unconcerned about the uselessness of her labor.

17 For God deprived her of wisdom, and did not impart understanding to her.

18 But as soon as she springs up, she laughs at the horse and its rider.

19 “Do you give the horse its strength? Do you clothe its neck with a mane?

20 Do you make it leap like a locust? Its proud neighing is terrifying!

21 It paws the ground in the valley, exulting mightily, it goes out to meet the weapons.

22 It laughs at fear and is not dismayed; it does not shy away from the sword.

23 On it the quiver rattles; the lance and javelin flash.

24 In excitement and impatience it consumes the ground; it cannot stand still when the trumpet is blown.

25 At the sound of the trumpet, it says, ‘Aha!’ And from a distance it catches the scent of battle, the thunderous shouting of commanders, and the battle cries.

26 “Is it by your understanding that the hawk soars, and spreads its wings toward the south?

27 Is it at your command that the eagle soars, and builds its nest on high?

28 It lives on a rock and spends the night there, on a rocky crag and a fortress.

29 From there it spots its prey, its eyes gaze intently from a distance.

30 And its young ones devour the blood, and where the dead carcasses are, there it is.”

Illustration: Bobby Richardson Gives a Prayer at The FCA (Job 39:1)

At a meeting of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Bobby Richardson, former New York Yankee second baseman, offered a prayer that is a classic in brevity and poignancy: “Dear God, Your will, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. Amen”. (Biblical Recorder).

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