Solomon Anointed as King

Topic: Inheritance
Passage: 1 Chronicles 29:21–30

May 15, 2021


Prayers of dedication were confirmed by the offering of an enormous number of sacrificial animals (3,000 in all). Drink offerings were poured out as a sacrifice to God to acknowledge His role in providing for His people (v. 21). This was the second anointing of Solomon as king (vv. 22-23). The first was an impromptu event which hastily occurred to counteract Adonijah’s attempt to usurp the throne (l Kings 1:32-40). The first anointing had been valid, but his second anointing was a public confirmation.

With Solomon’s succession came the recognition by the people that he was now the king in David’s stead. When Solomon took the throne, all Israel obeyed him, including all the sons of David (v. 24).  Also, David’s confirmation was apparent in the Lord’s great blessing on Solomon as he surpassed his father’s wealth and splendor (v. 25). David had been King for 40 years; 7 years in Hebron and 33 years in Jerusalem (vv. 26-27). He had been rich and respected (v. 28) and everything he did was included in the history written by the prophets (vv. 29-30). They wrote about His powerful rule and about the things that happened not only to him, but also to Israel and the other nations.

However, David’s legacy was not his possessions but his vital relationship with the Lord and the spiritual values he passed on to Solomon. Few men or women in the Bible were as close to God as David was.


Any money or power I leave to my children are far less valuable than the spiritual legacy I pass on. I always need to evaluate what spiritual inheritance my children will receive? I only wish that my life had been a better example in many ways. I can’t go back and re-live any of my life, but I can attempt to live the balance of my life completely surrendered to pleasing and honoring Him.

1 Chronicles 29:21– 30 (NET)

21 The next day they made sacrifices and offered burnt sacrifices to the Lord (1,000 bulls, 1,000 rams, 1,000 lambs), along with their accompanying drink offerings and many other sacrifices for all Israel. 22 They held a feast before the Lord that day and celebrated.

23 Solomon sat on the Lord’s throne as king in place of his father David; he was successful and all Israel was loyal to him. 24 All the officers and warriors, as well as all of King David’s sons, pledged their allegiance to King Solomon. 25 The Lord greatly magnified Solomon before all Israel and bestowed on him greater majesty than any king of Israel before him.

26 David son of Jesse reigned over all Israel. 27 He reigned over Israel forty years; he reigned in Hebron seven years and in Jerusalem thirty-three years. 28 He died at a good old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth, and honor. His son Solomon succeeded him. 29 King David’s accomplishments, from start to finish, are recorded in the Annals of Samuel the prophet, the Annals of Nathan the prophet, and the Annals of Gad the prophet. 30 Recorded there are all the facts about his reign and accomplishments, and an account of the events that involved him, Israel, and all the neighboring kingdoms.

Illustration: A Student Dreaming of Making a Million Dollars (1 Chronicles 29:21)

A student at the New York Institute of Advertising explained why he had chosen the field:

“I have dreams of making a million dollars in advertising,  just like my father.” The institute director asked, “When did your father make a million in advertising?” “He didn’t, “said the student. “But he had dreams, too.” (Encyclopedia of Illustrations #5153).

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