Related commentaries – Peace

God Will be Exalted Throughout The Earth – Psalms 46:8 – 46:11

Picture Representing Perfect Pease

Two artists set out to make a picture representing perfect peace. The first painted a canvas depicting a carefree lad sitting in a boat on a little lake without a ripple to disturb the surface. The other painted a raging waterfall with winds whipping the spray about. On a limb, overhanging the swirling water, a bird had built its nest, and sat peacefully brooding her eggs. Here she was safe from her predatory enemies, shielded and protected by the roaring falls. The first was only Stagnation; the last was peace. For in peace there are two elements; tranquillity and energy; silence and turbulence; creation and destruction; fearfulness and fearlessness. (M.R. De Haan).