Related commentaries – Restoration

The Second Pair of Tablets – Deuteronomy 10:1 – 10:10

Stained Wall Turned Into a Beautiful Picture

J. Stuart Holden tells of an old Scottish mansion close to where he had his little summer home. The walls of one room were filled with sketches made by distinguished artists. This practice began after a pitcher of soda water was accidentally spilled on a freshly decorated wall and left an unsightly stain. At the time, a noted artist, Lord Landseer, was a guest in the house. One day when the family had a place to go, he stayed behind. With a few masterful strokes of a piece of charcoal, that ugly spot became the outline of a beautiful waterfall, bordered by trees and wildlife. He turned that disfigured wall into one of his most beautiful depictions of life in that area. (Source unknown).