
Jesus Healing of The Man With The Witherd Hand - Mark 3:1 – 3:6 (commentary)

Jesus uses the healing of the man with the withered hand to point out that the Sabbath was not just a time not to work. The Pharisees watched Jesus like a cat watches a mouse hole. They stood ready to pounce on Him for every little thing that violated their legalistic beliefs. Th …

How Our Attitude Spreads to Others - Romans 14:13 – 14:23 (commentary)

Paul has been warning about judging other Christians, and how it affects our attitudes and actions toward them, even to the point of hindering our own walk with the Lord. Now he shows the other side of the coin and what kind of an effect our convictions and actions can have on other Christians ...

Sermon on The Mount - Matthew 5:1 – 5:12 (commentary)

Jesus’ disciples gathered around Him and he taught them (vv. 1-2).This passage of Scripture is known as the Sermon on the Mount. It is one of the most misunderstood messages that Jesus ever gave. It does not tell a person how to be saved as some people say but instead it te …

A Right Attitude in Service - Matthew 20:1 – 20:16 (commentary)

Jesus told a parable in which a landowner, during the period of grape harvest, had need of extra laborers, so he kept going out and hiring additional workers during the course of the day (vv. 1- 7). Early in the morning he hired workers who insisted on a contract and agreed …

Exhortations For Holy Living - I Thessalonians 5:16 – 5:22 (commentary)

In this portion of Scripture Paul deals with attitudes. He exhorts us to:Be joyful (v. 16). Joy takes the burden out of service. It does not depend on circumstances, for in the world the Christian will have tribulation (John 16:33).Be prayerful (v. 17). The Christian who prays &l …

The Promises of Faith - Hebrews 11:13 – 11:19 (commentary)

In this chapter the writer gathers together the names of those who have faithfully passed the legacy of faith on to the next generation. He reflects on the lives of heroes of the faith like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Sa …

Sayings of The Wise - Proverbs 22:12 – 22:21 (commentary)

To be wise is to be under God’s “seeing eyes” of protection (v. 12). To be unwise and treacherous, even in what one says, is to be on a path that will end in frustration. The lazy person has all kinds of excuses for not wanting to work (v. 13). When no dangers or difficulties exist, he imagines them ...

A Wrong Attitude - Luke 15:25 – 15:32 (commentary)

The elder son comes in from the field to find a party for the younger son going on (vv. 25-28). In the illustration of the younger son in this passage, Jesus has made it clear that the publicans and sinners were guilty of the obvious sins of the flesh. At this point in the pa …

Cain And Abel - Genesis 4:1 – 4:7 (commentary)

In this chapter we find the perpetual struggles between good and evil. The nature of rebellious man unfolds in the person of Cain while Abel seems to be a man trying to please God. Through the years much discussion has centered around the offerings of Cain and Abel and why …

Nabel Rejects David’s Message of Protection - I Samuel 25:1 – 25:17 (commentary)

Samuel, the spiritual leader of Israel for many years, dies and is buried with honors in Ramah, the place where he was born. Historians say that the prophet was in his nineties when he died. Without Samuel, the spiritual leadership of Israel is gone until David becomes King. The …