
Evil Men Seek Rebellion - Proverbs 17:10 – 17:14 (commentary)

No matter how much you beat on a fool he will not change; but gently rebuke a wise man and he will take it to heart (v. 10). The wise man realizes his limitations and is thankful for correction while a fool is unresponsive. Have you ever heard the expression, “There is no fo …

The Man of Wisdom Will Not Dispute a Fool - Proverbs 26:1 – 26:16 (commentary)

Fools are those who make fun of sin and refuse to heed the voice of wisdom. (1) Honoring a fool is Dangerous. Just as weather out of season can destroy crops, a fool raised to a position of honor will hurt everyone who follows him (v. 1). Giving honor to a fool is useless, ...

The Failures of Solomon - II Chronicles 9:22 – 9:31 (commentary)

Solomon was the richest and wisest king in the world (vv. 22-24). The promise was fulfilled, that God would give him riches and honor, such as no kings have had or shall have. As a summary, the writer points out Solomon’s military strength (v. 25) and his political power (v. 26) …

Evil Men Seek Rebellion - Proverbs 17:10 – 17:19 (commentary)

A wise man realizes his limitations and is thankful for correction while a fool is unresponsive (v. 10). An evil man rebels against authority, but eventually he will be punished by a merciless official (v. 11). Challenging a foolish person is like stepping between a mother bear and her cubs...