
Loyalty to the Faith - II Timothy 1:13 – 1:18 (commentary)

God’s work has been done by men and women who stood steadfast while suffering trials. Timothy was in a time of transition. He had been Paul’s right hand man but soon he would be on his own as leader of a church in a difficult environment. He was responsible to preserve sound te …

Saul is Angry with Jonathan - I Samuel 20:24 – 20:42 (commentary)

Things happened just as David had predicted as Saul became violently angry when David did not show for the feast of the New Moon. Jonathan tried to reason with his father as he had done a few weeks before (vv. 24-31). Saul, however, hurled his spear, narrowly missing his son. Jon …

Loyalty to a Group or to God? - Jeremiah 35:12 – 35:19 (commentary)

While the Rechabites obeyed and followed the teachings of Jonadab their father, Israel had neither obeyed the Lord nor followed His instructions. The Rechabites were more loyal to their earthly father and his human judgments than the people of Israel were to their Creator God. (v …