
Paul & Silas Trust God’s Strategy - Acts 17:1 – 17:9 (commentary)

Paul and Silas traveled 100 miles from Philippi to Thessalonica. According to verse one they passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia but didn’t minister in those cities. Thessalonica was the capital of Macedonia, with a population of about 200,000. Paul’s master plan for missions was to ...

The Defeat of Gideon’s Foes - Judges 7:16 – 7:25 (commentary)

The Israelites strategy unfolded as the 300 soldiers were divided into three companies (v. 16). Each warrior had a trumpet and a pitcher containing a lamp. When Gideon gave the signal, all acted at the same time (vv. 17-18). They blew the trumpets, shattered the pitchers, raised the lamps, and ...

The Horrors of a Civil War - Judges 20:24 – 20:35 (commentary)

Her second advance against the Benjamites was again fiercely checked as 18,000 of her warriors lay dead on the field of battle (vv. 24-25). Perhaps one reason the Lord permitted Israel to have these initial defeats was to bring then to a point of repentance. Now fasting and the offering of ...