Recent commentaries

Holiness Will Not Rub Off on Others

Haggai 2:10–2:23
In spite of the stirring promises of Haggai 2:1-9, the small nation was still living with the consequences of their sin. Harvests had been small, so the food remained scarce. But, God assures them all will be changed. His blessing will rest upon them, and future crops will be ple … Read more

Encouragement to Complete The Temple

Haggai 2:1–2:9
Firmly committed to build the temple, the people were soon to face some difficult questions. How beautiful would this temple be and how would its glory compare with Solomon’s temple (vv. 1-3)? As work progressed and plans were formed for the new temple, inevitable comparisons wer … Read more

Encouragement to Complete The Temple

Haggai 2:1–2:9
Firmly committed to build the temple, the people were soon to face some difficult questions. How beautiful would this temple be and how would its glory compare with Solomon’s temple (vv. 1-3)? As work progressed and plans were formed for the new temple, inevitable comparisons wer … Read more

The command to build God’s house

Haggai 1:1–1:15
The opening verses of Haggai delivered a message by the prophet, from the Lord, to a nation who had failed to rebuild the temple. The Jews who had returned from Babylon in 538 B.C. to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem were not able to finish their job because they were hindered by … Read more

The command to build God’s house

Haggai 1:1–1:15
The opening verses of Haggai delivered a message by the prophet, from the Lord, to a nation who had failed to rebuild the temple. The Jews who had returned from Babylon in 538 B.C. to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem were not able to finish their job because they were hindered by … Read more

The command to build God’s house

Haggai 1:1–1:15
The opening verses of Haggai delivered a message by the prophet, from the Lord, to a nation who had failed to rebuild the temple. The Jews who had returned from Babylon in 538 B.C. to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem were not able to finish their job because they were hindered by … Read more

The Future of God’s People

Zephaniah 3:14–3:20
In the future, Israel will have four Reasons to rejoice and sing praises to God (vv. 14-15) ... When we allow fear into our lives, it makes us weaker then we really are (v. 16). Israel had four Reasons not to Fear (vv. 16-20) ... Read more

The Lord Transforms His People

Zephaniah 3:9–3:13
Please recall from last time, the time jump from the years leading up to the Babylonian exile forward to the End of the Seven Year Tribulation. The Lord will come in judgment upon the whole earth, consuming it in his righteous anger (v. 8). Then and only then will the blessed promises in ... Read more

Exhortation to Wait

Zephaniah 3:1–3:8
Jerusalem is described as rebellious, defiled, and oppressive (v. 1). She is rebellious against the will of God, defiled by her sinful practices, and oppressive towards those who she can take advantage of. Furthermore, she refuses to accept correction or communion from her God (v. 2) ... Read more

Judgment on Judah’s Enemies

Zephaniah 2:8–2:15
Yesterday’s passage was about the Lord’s judgment on Philistia. Today’s passage is about the Lord’s judgment on Moab and Ammon (vv. 8-11), Cush (v. 12), and Assyria (vv. 13-15) ... Read more

Judgment on Philistia

Zephaniah 2:1–2:7
This section begins with a summons to “seek the Lord” before the day of judgment arrives. “Seeking” the Lord could refer either to desiring from Him a word of revelation (1:6) or to turning to Him in repentance. It is the opposite, then, of either indifference to the Lord or abandoning Him ... Read more

The Day of the LORD is Near

Zephaniah 1:7–1:18
In yesterday’s passage, judgment was declared on those who practiced idolatry and refused to worship the Lord (vv. 4-6). Today’s passage will focus on the more everyday type of sin, the kind of wrongdoing that is so easy for us to ignore. It was customary to summon people to a sacrifice ... Read more

Judgment on Judah and Jerusalem

Zephaniah 1:1–1:6
Zephaniah is no ordinary preacher. He is the great-great- grandson of King Hezekiah, one of Judah’s most famous rulers. He has royal blood in his veins, but more important, he has the message of God on his lips. Strange to say, Zephaniah preached during the reign of godly King ... Read more