Related commentaries – Confirmation

Solomon is Confirmed King – I Kings 1:28 – 1:40

The Thief on The Cross Was Justified

The thief on the cross was justified without any works. All he did was sin for 40 years. He’s dying with no chance to do anything else. This man repents and crys out for mercy without any explanation for where it all came from. And Jesus says, “I’ll see you in paradise this day.” This man will experience the judgment by works. What will he have? Not many. Half an hour’s worth? The work is not the ground of his acceptance. The work is the fruit of opening his heart, believing in Jesus, being justified and doing work for whatever time is left. Page after page after page in the Bible talk about works, but they are always the fruit, not the root. Salvation is a confirmation of Faith in Christ. (Lou Nicholes - Missionay/Author).