Related commentaries – Land

Special Times to Give The Land a Rest – Leviticus 25:1 – 25:17

The Power of Crying Out

A father tells this story: I was $20,000 in debt with unsecured loans. For two years I had been trying to sell some land to cover the debt, but I couldn’t even get a phone call of interest. I tried realtor after realtor without success. Finally, in desperation, I walked into the woods and cried, “O, God!” That’s all that came out. My voice failed as emotion flooded me, and I groaned in the spirit. The next day, a couple told my wife, they’d heard we had land for sale. Within twenty-four hours of crying out, we had an agreement to sell the land for $20,000. Praise God! We are now debt-free. (The Power of Crying Out,” by Bill Gothard, page 40).