
Bill Miller Places His Car on The Train Track (illustration)

Bill Miller decided a train was taking altogether too long to cross a street as he waited 15 minutes in a line of traffic. So, after the train passed, he drove his pickup truck onto the track, locked the doors and walked the rest of the way to work. Cars could get by, but …

How Abrahm Lincoln Treated His Confederate Soldiers (illustration)

The father’s reaction to the prodigal son and his elder son mirrors the answer Abraham Lincoln gave to a question he was asked about how he would treat all the Confederate soldiers once the ...

Some Say - "Don’t Get Mad, Just Get Even” (illustration)

Maybe you heard about the fellow who was told by his physician, “Yes indeed, you do have rabies.” Upon hearing this, the patient immediately pulled out a pad and pencil and began to write. Thinking the man was making out his will, the doctor said, “Listen, this doe …

Don’t Get Mad, Get Even??? (illustration)

Maybe you heard about the fellow who was told by his physician, “Yes indeed, you do have rabies.” Upon hearing this, the patient immediately pulled out a pad and pencil and began to write. Thinking the man was making out his will, the doctor said, “Listen, this doe …

The Lord’s cross was the devil’s mousetrap (illustration)

The devil was conquered by his own trophy of victory. The devil jumped for joy, when he seduced the first man and cast him down to death. By seducing the first man, he slew him; by slaying the last man (Christ), he lost the first from his snare. The victory of our Lord Jesus Chri …

Wesley - The difference between vengeance and grace (illustration)

Wesley taught about Prevenient Grace, Justifying Grace, and Sanctifying Grace. And even if we know about those forms of grace that Wesley emphasized, I think that we still have a hard time ...

Revenge Never Gets What it Wants (illustration)

“Vengeance is a passion to get even. It is a hot desire to give back as much pain as someone gives you. The problem with revenge is that it never gets what it wants; it never evens the score. Fairness never comes. The chain reaction set off by every act of vengeance al …

Your Dog is Keeping me Awake (illustration)

A college professor answered his telephone at 3:00 A.M. “This is your neighbor, Mr. Smith,” said the voice. “Your dog is barking and keeping me awake.” The professor thanked him kindly and hung up. The next morning Mr. Smith’s telephone rang at exactly …

The Farmer Who Caught Young People Stealing Apples (illustration)

The pastor told me about a farmer in his congregation who had frequently been pestered by a carload of young folks who delighted in sneaking over his orchard fence and playing havoc with his apples without asking permission ...

Not Invited to a Picnic an Angry Old Lady Prays for Rain (illustration)

A cranky old lady was greatly annoyed because her neighbors forgot to ask her to go on their picnic. On the morning of the event they suddenly realized their affront and sent a little boy to ask her to come along. AIt=s too late now,@ she snapped. AI=ve already prayed for rain.@ …

Vengeance (illustration)

A cranky old lady was greatly annoyed because her neighbors forgot to ask her to go on their picnic. On the morning of the event they suddenly realized their affront and sent a little boy to ask her to come along. AIt=s too late now,@ she snapped. AI=ve already prayed for rain.@ …

Vengeance (illustration)

A cranky old lady was greatly annoyed because her neighbors forgot to ask her to go on their picnic. On the morning of the event they suddenly realized their affront and sent a little boy to ask her to come along. AIt=s too late now,@ she snapped. AI=ve already prayed for rain.@ …

Vengeance (illustration)

A cranky old lady was greatly annoyed because her neighbors forgot to ask her to go on their picnic. On the morning of the event they suddenly realized their affront and sent a little boy to ask her to come along. AIt=s too late now,@ she snapped. AI=ve already prayed for rain.@ …

A Cranky Old Lady Not Invited to a Picnic (illustration)

A cranky old lady was greatly annoyed because her neighbors forgot to ask her to go on their ...