The Law reveals Sin but doesn’t take it away In the opening lines of his letter to Timothy, Paul
addresses him (1) as an apostle & (2) as a spiritual
father. While we might immediately associate
apostleship with authority, Paul here associates it with
obedience and patience. Paul was under the command
of God, and his hope was in Jesus (v.1) ...
The law reveals sin but doesn’t take it away At the heart of the Jewish Law was the ten
commandments. Yet apparently, as
dogmatic as these false teachers were, they really
didn’t understand God’s law. God’s
law is like a medicine prescribed by our doctor. If we
use the medicine the way its
prescribed, it w …
Paul’s Experience on the Damascus Road Paul tells how grateful he is that God had confidence in
him when he had been so opposed to God’s Son (vv.
12-14). He had cursed Jesus, called Him a fake, and
went after his followers. He had not deliberately acted
against what he knew was right but had blindly and
mistakenly thought he was ...
Paul’s experience on the Damascus road Perhaps the famous preacher John Newton explained it
best when he said, When I get to
heaven I shall see three wonders there. The first
wonder will be, to see many people there
whom I did not expect to see. The second wonder will
be, to miss many people whom I did
expect to see; …
Like it or not we are in warfare It is sometimes helpful to pick out certain verses of a
biblical passage which summarize in
concise terms what the passage is all
about. The phrase that, perhaps, best summarizes this
entire letter is “Wage the good
warfare, holding faith and a good
conscienceā (vv. 1 …
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Search for commentaries – I Timothy 1
The Law reveals Sin but doesn’t take it away
In the opening lines of his letter to Timothy, Paul addresses him (1) as an apostle & (2) as a spiritual father. While we might immediately associate apostleship with authority, Paul here associates it with obedience and patience. Paul was under the command of God, and his hope was in Jesus (v.1) ...
The law reveals sin but doesn’t take it away
At the heart of the Jewish Law was the ten commandments. Yet apparently, as dogmatic as these false teachers were, they really didn’t understand God’s law. God’s law is like a medicine prescribed by our doctor. If we use the medicine the way its prescribed, it w …
Paul’s Experience on the Damascus Road
Paul tells how grateful he is that God had confidence in him when he had been so opposed to God’s Son (vv. 12-14). He had cursed Jesus, called Him a fake, and went after his followers. He had not deliberately acted against what he knew was right but had blindly and mistakenly thought he was ...
Paul’s experience on the Damascus road
Perhaps the famous preacher John Newton explained it best when he said, When I get to heaven I shall see three wonders there. The first wonder will be, to see many people there whom I did not expect to see. The second wonder will be, to miss many people whom I did expect to see; …
Like it or not we are in warfare
It is sometimes helpful to pick out certain verses of a biblical passage which summarize in concise terms what the passage is all about. The phrase that, perhaps, best summarizes this entire letter is “Wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscienceā (vv. 1 …